Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Teenage Fanclub

Everyone has pet bands/albums. I have a few. This is allowed because I have a blog. If you don't, you're only allowed one. Deal with it.
Anyways, the one I'm going to talk about on this particular day - one filled with snow and political strife - is Teenage Fanclub's Bandwagonesque.
I'm fascinated by this album for a number of reasons, but the foremost is I really have no idea why I like it so much. If I really listen to it objectively, it's by no means a great album, but I still love it. Since I don't feel like writing in paragraph form anymore, here are some bullet points about the album:

- It's biggest claim to fame is being accidentally well-regarded. Allow me to explain: Back in 1991, when the album came out, Spin magazine bestowed upon it the honor of being named the album of the year. Pretty big deal. You'd think that would get it some respect. But no - the #2 album that year, according to Spin, was Nevermind. So, after Nevermind became a classic (and that's a whole 'nother blog), Bandwagonesque developed a notoriety for being named the #1 album of the year ahead of Nevermind. For years, that was all I knew about this album.
- It also gets overlooked because it came out of the UK in 1991, when there was an insane amount of quality music coming out of the UK - but it doesn't really sound like your typical britpop, so it gets brushed to the side a little.
- It has an awesome lyric in "She don't do drugs/but she does the pill". I find this to be clever.

But, aside from all of that, it's a pretty plain album. But I love it. And I don't know why.

Here's two songs - And please... please comment if they're actually good or not. I need to know if I'm actually insane for loving this album:

Teenage Fanclub - The Concept
Teenage Fanclub - Alchoholiday

(From: Bandwagonesque)

(See... Even the song titles are kind of lame... Alcoholiday sounds like it could be a Nickelback/Theory of the Deadman Double LP. For the love of good bread.)


Anonymous said...

of course this is a fantastic album what is wrong with you! i don't see what makes it so plain or whatever. I think that it's strong pop melodies and simple stuctures makes it unique and appealing

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