Thursday, December 4, 2008

Honeymooning with Winter

Up until today, I had largely ignored Beach House's Devotion, which came out way back in March. I gave it a couple cursory listens upon release, and then by and large forgot about it as the weather warmed, days grew longer, and Edmonton broke out of its wintery chill. Nights were spent on patios, and days were spent longing to be on said patios. This is not the setting for Beach House.

But today (thanks to a nudge from Gorilla v. Bear's Best of 2008 list), I decided to revisit it, and it was perfect. The reverb drenched vocals and keyboards seem infinitely more appropriate while looking out my corner cubicle window, happy to be inside, drinking green tea, enjoying a relatively slow day at the office than wishing that I was anywhere but. The snow is new and clean, without a hint of brown of the gravel and salt ridden slush that will plague the city for months to come.

Soon, I will grow tired of Edmonton's long, harsh winter, but for now, I'm still in the honeymoon stage, and its soundtrack will be 'Devotion.'

Beach House - D.A.R.L.I.N.G

(From: Devotion)

(After re-reading, that sounds far more emo than I wanted it to... oh well.)

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