Monday, December 1, 2008

Continuing Education

Here are some things I learned on the weekend:
- John C. Reilly needs to sit down and watch Hard Eight and Magnolia. After doing this, he will hopefully remember that he is a very good actor and will stop wasting his time on moderately amusing movies like Walk Hard.
- I am good at some things. De-boning a chicken thigh is not one of them.
- Certain NFL broadcasters are able to distinguish time in 'literally nanoseconds'. While impressive, this talent probably be used for something more useful. I just can't think of what that is yet.
- I had gone far too long in life without watching a Woody Allen film. It made me want to go to New York even more.
- Certain friends of mine have never heard Silent Shout (this is about to be remedied)
- The Comas, which I had thought were fairly unknown, are apparently somewhat well known because their lead singer used to date Michelle Williams, who used to be married to Heath Ledger
- Despite being a pretty cool song for the Christmas season, "Maybe this Christmas" will forever be tainted by the memory of Ryan and Marissa's trip to the mall being ruined when Marissa decided to shoplift while on her slow descent into alcoholism. Selfish, selfish Marissa.

The Knife - Silent Shout

(From: Silent Shout)

The Comas - The Last Transmission

(From: Conductor)

Ron Sexsmith - Maybe this Christmas


Unknown said...

That NFL announcer can also read minds. Dan Deirdorf is the new super hero revealed.

Ms Unger said...

Selfish though Marissa may be, I still cry every time I watch the episode where she dies.