Monday, December 22, 2008

Songs of the Year, pt. 1

(This is just getting annoying. Blogger keeps taking down my posts, and I keep getting e-mails for posting mp3s. I think I'm going to take a break, find a new place to host, and then move... So again, a repost, no links)

My original plan was to put up a whole list of songs at once, and organize them in a Mix CD fashion.
But, due to time constraints, this hasn't happened. (also - apologies for the lack of updates lately. Like I said, time constraints.) So, what I propose to do, is post the songs in groups, and then at the end, hopefully put them in a zip file in a mix cd. How does that sound? Lovely. I know. I should also note that these are in no particular order, unless you consider the order of which I thought of things to say about the songs.

TV on the Radio - Lover's Day
When I hear this song, I like to think that TVoTR were reading Prince fan fiction on some Prince message board somewhere. I imagine that someone wrote a long, involved, heart-wrenching story about Prince moving back home and leading the University of Minnesota Gophers marching band - a Mr. Holland's opus type story, if you will. Obviously, after reading this, they wrote Lover's Day.
(From: Dear Science)

The Walkmen - In the New Year
This song is a really good first date. At first, the band is hesitant, maybe a little shy. But then they see you like them despite their shyness. Maybe you gave a knowing smile. Or a real laugh, instead of the polite chuckle we've all given or experienced at some point. Maybe you even offered to let them try your food. Whatever you did, they started to feel more confident and started to open up. Stories are told, adventures are shared, and then the night is over. You drop them off at their doorstep, go home, and lie in bed, hitting repeat over and over again, hoping the night never ends.
(From: You & Me)

Chairlift - Bruises
Before this song became ubiquitous, before 'grass-stain', 'frozen strawberry', and 'bruised knee' were different colors of iPod, there was the 2:18 mark of this original mix of the song, where Caroline Polachek's voice gets the slightest inflection of genuine sweetness and convinces you that maybe, just maybe, she's actually got you in mind.
There was also this video. Which I'm really not sure what to think of. I feel the acting is there, but the direction could use some work.
(From: Does You Inspire You?)

The Bug - Angry f. Tippa Irrie
People who don't wave after a lane change. People who sing ballads at karaoke. West Edmonton Mall. Phil Jackson. The ignorance of lunch caterers to the fact that there's a lot of people out there who simply cannot stand mayonnaise.
(From: London Zoo)

Department of Eagles - No One Does it Like You
I could make the obligatory Grizzly Bear reference. I could give you facts, like before releasing the album, they had only played live once, for a radio show. I could even draw comparison to the Eagles of Death Metal, Don Henley, or even the Philadelphia Eagles. But it would all be pointless. The only things you need to know about this song are the jingle-jangle guitar, hand claps, and "ah ah, ba dah ah ah."
(From: In Ear Park)

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