Thursday, October 16, 2008

Getting to Know Eachother

It's an age-old question. A parlor game, if you will. You're left on an island and you get to choose five albums to keep with you.

Now, let's call a spade a spade here: This game's a little outdated. We've got iPod's now. Or, in my case, we've got Creative Nomad Zen Xtra II's... (Marketing department: "Let's make the name as cumbersome as the device itself!")

There was a time when physical space and storage was probably an issue on this hypothetical island, so the five album limit made sense. I mean, you've got to put your MacGyver'd up water filtration system somewhere, right? But we've moved past that. As a tool for getting to know someone, the question still holds merit, but for actually discussing music, it seems a little antiquated. I'll go through more than 5 albums on the average day, never mind a lifetime.
So, in an effort to familiarize myself (the author) with you (the audience) - here's what we're gonna do: My 100 desert island albums - or, roughly - my 8GB desert island Nano. You can get to know me a little, fall in love (in a platonic sense, of course), and then keep reading my blog.
It's simple, really.

Two rules:
1) I'm going to be counting down in groups of five. No band can have two albums in the same group.
2) No greatest hits.

One disclaimer:
100 albums is a lot. And I'm indecisive. So don't hold me to this. It reflects my taste at this point in time, and is totally fluid. In fact, the list has even changed slightly since its inception when I paid a co-op student a dollar to fetch album art for me. You'll also notice it's pretty present-weighted. Get over it.

So let's get on with it then:

Nick Drake - Pink Moon
A friend once had 'Way to Blue: The Music of Nick Drake' stuck in her car CD player. She could play the CD, but it wouldn't leave the player. This is the closest I've ever seen to an actual 'Desert Island' experience. She doesn't like Nick Drake anymore.

Pink Moon

LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
There's been a lot said about this album in the last couple of years. Consensus is that it's good. I tend to agree. So let's discuss something else: No matter how long I stare at the album cover, I really have no idea what exactly is in the top corner there.
I'm going with washing machine.

Someone Great

Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond
This is a tricky one. I started out with 'Green Mind' here. I think because as I got to this point on the list I felt that I had too many recent albums and needed to show more respect to those that have come before. But then I re-listened to Green Mind, and remembered that I personally enjoy Beyond much more. So here it is.

Pick Me Up

Sigur Ros - ( )
I used to really enjoy The Shawshank Redemption. I haven't watched it in years. Regardless - think of The Shawshank Redepemption. Think of wise old Morgan Freeman talking about Mozart and how those two Italian ladies are singing about something so beautiful and heartbreaking that it can't be expressed in words. I feel the same way about this album.
("Yeah. Think of your own words when it comes to writing about music on your own blog", you're surely thinking.)

The Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat
I had no idea what to expect coming into this album. You know how people don't read reviews for movies so that they go in not knowing what to expect? I was the opposite on this. I'd probably read about 10 different reviews before I actually heard it, each one totally different. And I can understand that. It can be hard to listen to at first. But then you find yourself walking around, the opening chords of Quay Cur pounding in your head, urging you to skip your next class, lie down on your bed, throw on the headphones and listen to it on repeat for an hour. Or so I've heard.

Quay Cur

Next five albums to come in a couple days...

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